Please select the computer service you need:

Online Repair

  • PC Diagnosis

    • Save yourself the hassle of taking your PC to a repair shop by having me connect to you! Within 15 minutes, you will receive a full diagnostic report from me about your computer and my recommendations.
  • Remote Support

    • Get your PC back to brand-new operation as soon as possible with my Remote Support service. I connect to your computer through your internet connection and take control of your mouse as if I was sitting in front of it. Quick. Easy. Done.
    • No matter how bad your computer may be, as long as you can successfully browse the internet I can fix it. Virus removal, software installation, email setup, you name it.
    • Enjoy flat-rate pricing instead of hourly billing! 

In-Home Repair
(Coming Soon!)

If you have any questions, please chat with me by clicking the orange button in the bottom right-corner. I look forward to assisting you!

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