WOW Wrath of the Lich King

When running instances using the Random Dungeon Finder in WoW, you are bound to run into some jerks who feel like they are the masters of the game, which is why Blizzard developed a method to vote kick such players. But what about those same jerks that vote kicks for no reason in every dungeon they run?

Meet Vote Kick with a brain.

In Patch 3.3.5 , if you never vote kick anyone or abandon dungeons, there will be no cooldown as to how many times you can vote kick. However, if you vote kick and abandon groups all the time, there will be a cooldown that will never go away until you chill out.

Blue Post: We have found that most players using the Dungeon Finder don’t use the Vote Kick feature or abandon groups very often. For these players, we are removing the cooldown on voting to kick players from a dungeon party. In contrast, those players who tend to kick players or abandon groups more frequently will notice that the Vote Kick feature maintains its cooldown. The goal here is to make sure players who are generally patient can make use of the Vote Kick feature when they really need it, without giving a more powerful tool to those who try to kick others or abandon dungeon groups very frequently.
This functionality will adjust itself as a player’s behavior while using the Dungeon Finder changes.

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