Update: Upcoming Changes to the Forums

Recently, we introduced our new Real ID feature , a new way to stay connected with your friends on the new Today, we wanted to give you a heads up about our plans for Real ID on our official forums, discuss the design philosophy behind the changes we're making, and give you a first look at some of the new features we're adding to the forums to help improve the quality of conversations and make the forums an even more enjoyable place for players to visit.

For more details read more in this thread-
How's that for a megaton? Blizzard has revealed their upcoming plans to their official forums, stating that instead of your character name, your real name will be used instead. This is where the internet crashes, right? Almost.
The official forums have exploded with resistance to the change, claiming this change to be the worst idea ever. Some even brought up witness protection as a reason for them no longer posting on the forums. There are a few who agree to the change, as now the trolling that has become rampant on the forums will now have a name to them.
My thoughts on the change? Stay tuned!

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