I feel as though I was born with computers etched into my brain! I have always been intrigued with the technology behind computers, especially once I got my hands on an Atari back in the early 80s. When I turned 7 years old, my parents bought me a Commodore 64 computer. Once I turned it on, there was no looking back. I knew my career would have to entail something dealing with computers.
By day, I’m an Admissions Counselor for a college. At night, I turn into a computer expert who loves to help those in need. That’s how PCSwizz was born. Kind of like Batman in a way lol!
Within the last 5 years, I have had over 6 computers, with my current one being built completely from scratch by myself. You can rest assured that I know my way around a computer. From BIOS settings to virus removal to the new Windows 7, I have extensive knowledge that I can use to fix your computer! I consistently keep up with the latest trends in computers, gadgets, and video games so you won’t have to.
Thanks for reading! If you need any computer assistance, feel free to shoot me a message!
Patrick E. – PCSwizz Computer Support

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