Q. What is remote support and how does it work?
A. Remote support allows me to connect to your PC through your high-speed internet connection and take control of your mouse. This allows me to service your PC as if I was sitting right in front of it!
Q. Is it safe?
A. Absolutely! The connection between my computer and yours is 128-bit encrypted, meaning no one else can connect to you during our session.
Q. Why should I use remote support?
A. It’s convenient! You will not have to worry about disconnecting your computer and taking it in to a repair shop. Nor do you have to have someone come inside your home.
You also get a PCSwizz 30-Day Guarantee, meaning if the same issue comes up after I have fixed it within a month, I fix it for free.
Q. How do I know you know what you are doing?!
A. Good question! I am a computer builder, which takes extensive knowledge of every major component of the inside of a PC. You also need a great deal of knowledge and experience with the Windows operating system. Building a computer from scratch is no easy task, especially when you are buying each part separately. With my experience of building computers as well as college(Florida State!), feel at ease as I fix your machine!
Any other questions? Click any of the contact methods(Live Chat, Twitter, Facebook) you see here, or click here to fill out a contact form where I will reply back to you within 24 hours. You may also call me at (754) 273-6216.
Posted by Unknown in
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