Moonrise in The Barrens

Image by catmoran via Flickr

For the last 6 years, World of Warcraft has captured my attention longer than any other MMORPG I have ever played. When I started playing back in the Summer of 2004, I never imagined that today I would still be playing it and actually blogging about it as well. I will never forget how Elwynn Forest made me feel the first time I created my Human Warlock whom is still my main character. Stranglethorn Vale made my mouth drop with the level of detail in the jungle. Although Desolace was desolate, it embedded in my mind that desolation isn't always a bad thing...

Cataclysm will change all of that.

The world will change drastically. Granted, there will be some zones that go through smaller changes, but the majority of the other zones will be altered dramatically. Desolace won’t be so desolate. The Barrens won’t be so barren. Azshara won’t be so…azsharish…….. :-\ lol!

Personally, I am welcoming the changes to vanilla WoW come Cataclysm. I think it will be an exciting time in World of Warcraft history, especially to those who’ve played since launch. I think 6 years in the gaming world today is a very long time, and I for one am ready for the destruction of Azeroth.

Of course, many WoW ‘ers might not like the fact that Azeroth will soon face destruction:

“Every few months or so I have to get on my mount, turn the in-game music on and go running through Elwynn Forest. It brings back great memories of the first character I had strolling through Elwynn having no clue as to what I was supposed to do. I was a Human Paladin and I didn't even realize I was supposed to be wearing mail instead of cloth.

I'm concerned with Cataclysm Blizzard will be ruining many of these zones from people who leveled up in them. These areas hold a certain sentimental value to many people. I was speaking with a girl who plays WoW the other day and she had the same concerns. “ –Jierda (Boulderfist) Link

Is Blizzard ruining the zones we know and love? Ruining might be a strong word, maybe even the wrong word in this context. Dramatically altering the zones we fell in love with might equate to being ruined, but it really comes down to personal viewpoints. WoW is growing old, and as easy as it could have been to make a new zone with new content, Blizzard decided to go back to vanilla WoW and spice things up. If we love the old-school WoW this much, how much does Blizzard love it?

A few players don’t think they do. In fact, they think they are being cheap:

“IMO, Blizzard took the easy, lazy way out, instead of creating brand new maps, it is easier ( cost efficent) to alter existing maps, and call it new content. “ –Lexxar (Aman’Thul) Link

However, where there is one naysayer, there are a hundred protagonists:

“…Blizzard is not being complacent, they are taking what I feel is a big steep forward by shaking things up a lot. For all we know this could blow up in their faces. People may not like what they have done and quit. Personally I think this and the new changes to stats raids, and etc. will reignite this game. Of course I could be wrong.
Please tell us how making wide sweeping changes is considered in your mind being complacent and putting in less effort?
“ –Hotek

“After 6 years, I'm looking forward to seeing the Inn at Sentinel Hill in Westfall finally get completed. It's ridiculous that they have made basically no progress for so long. Completing it will convince me that I'm living in a dynamic world. “ –Wyndd (Frostmane)

And even a Blue chimed in:

Well "ruining" is a mighty strong word. Hopefully no one rides through a zone post-Cataclysm and exclaims "It's ruined!" Unless of course they're referring to the literal effect the cataclysm has had on the area...

I think it's entirely exciting. After five 80's, a couple 70's, and a couple more still sitting at 60, I've been in a consistent pattern of what zones I like or don't like, my leveling progression, and where I go and when for a long time. But that's changing, and I believe it's going to be for the better. I'm excited to level up and not know what to expect. To have a fresh experience. While I have fond memories of a lot of zones, I'm ready for a change. I'm ready for new quests with modern mechanics, better flow questing through a zone, to experience all these areas in a new way, with updated design, and quest structure, pacing, itemization, XP, gold gains, etc.

I'm leveling another character now just to look around, make sure it's fresh in my mind before the sundering... but I'm ready to watch it all burn, and I'm going to have fun playing in the ashes.

“ –Bashiok (Link)


So how do you feel about the “Cataclysm” that’s about to happen? Are you eagerly anticipating the destruction of your beloved Azeroth, or are you eagerly anticipating writing letters to Blizzard with your disgust? Chime in the comments!

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