Yesterday, Blizzard hotfixed a bug that caused players to reap benefits from talents they unlearned. Here is the actual post, located here.

By Zarhym:

During the transition from patch 2.4.3 to 3.0.3 the following talents were not unlearned properly by some players, resulting in those players still gaining the benefits despite the talents no longer existing in the talent trees. As a result, we've pushed a hotfix which has corrected this matter and affected players will longer receive credit for having these talents.

Warlock: Improved Lash of Pain
Warlock: Fel Stamina
Shaman: Totemic Mastery
Shaman: Improved Lightning Shield (Rank 3)
Paladin: Precision
Rogue: Fist Weapon Specialization
Priest: Shadow Focus (Ranks 4 and 5)

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