I have been reading alot of sites and forums about what game in 2008 deserved the Game of the Year. Some say Fallout 3, others say Metal Gear Solid, many even say Gears of War II. However, the major consensus is what SHOULDN'T have been Game of the Year: Grand Theft Auto IV

Personally, I totally agree that GTA IV is the game of Year of 2008.

Now don't get me wrong, I've played the majority of the games that were considered as Game of the Year. I loved Fable II, I liked Fallout 3 to a certain extent, Gears of War II was amazing, and although I didn't play any PS3 games, I trust the majority of you that feel Metal Gear Solid 4 also should be the major contender.

Although Grand Theft Auto IV was far from perfect, it pushed gaming to a new level of detail. The city is by far the most realistic city ever created in a game world. The storyline is one of the best stories in any video game, near Oscar worthy if it was a movie. Yes the missions do get repetitive towards the end, but what game isn't? The cell phone itself is innovative enough to push the genre forward.

Sorry but GTA IV is a masterpiece of a game and well deserves Game of the Year in my book. I am highly anticipating February when the DLC is released. I'm sure Rockstar has heard the many complaints of the game and will attempt to make fixes to it. Rock on, GTA..rock on.

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