Welcome to one of the best video game blogs out there! Big Happy New Year to everyone!

My name is Swizza, and I'm a game addict! Although I also am addicted to Hip-Hop and R&B music, video games have been apart of me since I was 3 years old. Ever since I played the original Mario Bros. in a convenient store in 1984, I have never stopped playing video games. To this day at a glorious 28 years of age, I am still a heavy gamer.

I will be posting reviews, strategies, previews, and more for games pertaining to the XBOX 360 and the PC. I play World of Warcraft(Warlock baby!) and have been playing since June 2004, so be on the lookout for raid videos, strategies, hints and tips and previews of upcoming content!

Other than World of Warcraft, I do tryout a lot of free MMORPGs that you can simply download and play without any money. So lookout for reviews for free games I feel are worth your time before you install it.

Again, have a Happy New Year and I look forward to serving you the best video gaming news!

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