Fable II is an excellent game, and I don't say that often. The fact that I even played it to the end proves that it's good, as I rarely finish games I don't like. Now with that being said, I am extrememly dissapointed of the way the ending played out in Fable II.
I'm sure many gamers will say that it wasn't the story that made Fable II great, and I wholeheartedly agree. The atmosphere, side quests, mini games and just the feeling of being a hero makes Fable II the game that it is. However, the main storyline is just as important as everything else, and Fable II failed with the ending.
You know what, forget about the story. The gameplay element, or lack there of, towards the end is my main gripe. From the time we were to escape Bloodstone with Reaver to the whole ritual thing I was unimpressed. The enemy AI was downright stupid as most of the time they just stood there while I shot them to death. Then to make matters worse, the only way to take down the shard thing was to get the Shock spell, which thank goodness I had enough XP to get. Bad decision by the devs. What if I didn't have enough XP? What if I hated magic and just wanted to melee or range shoot?
Then the whole getting shot and going back to your childhood scene. I'm a bit torn on this one. The visuals were very impressive, and kicking those chickens was classic. But man the sister can TALK! She just would not shut up! Sheesh! Then the whole running outside the fence to get the magical music box was ok I guess, but I think it could have been better if your sister actually ran after you. Just standing there going "Don't go! Please!" I mean I'm sorry sis but I'm not letting go of this A button just because you said stop!
Now this is the kicker; you never attack the Spire. You just wake up there. Seriously? I sat here for hours playing through this storyline to just end up in the Spire? No epic fight? No hundreds of Lucien's minions to fend off? Then I get to Lucien and I just hold a box up to him and makes him powerless? On top of that, all I had to do was knock him off the edge and game over? Wow Lionhead Studios and Peter Molyneaux...wow.
So after that's done I get to pick three different ending scenarios, but only one of them gets my precious dog back? We ALL WANT OUR DOG! Come on! So I picked love for my dog. Then I get a letter from my sister saying some dude in a hood found her in a forest and we will meet up one day. That's what I sacrificed a million gold for?
/end rant
Don't get me wrong, Fable II is a wonderful game and I highly recommend everyone play it. Just don't play it for the ending. Get married, have kids, buy property, just have fun. It just seems like games coming out these days just aren't focusing on the boss characters. Even Gears of War II has a lackluster boss fight, if you can even call it a fight. Come on devs, challenge us. You don't have to make the bossfight extremely impossible to beat, but at least make it exciting and challenging enough to leave a lasting impression. Prince of Persia did this well. Although you don't necessarily fight the boss, the platforming elements were done great.
Disagree with me? Comment below!
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