The Final Fantasy XIII battle system, with the...The gaming world is anticipating the launch of Final Fantasy 13 on March 9th, and inquiring minds want to know "Should I buy it??" I've rounded up some video reviews from some top gaming websites so you could decide whether or not to cop Square Enix's latest Final Fantasy entry.

NOTE: I will be editing this post as more video reviews come in so be sure to bookmark!

GameSpot: 8.5

1UP: 9.1(A-)

More to come!

Final Fantasy XIII - Get It From GameFly!
Final Fantasy XIII - Get It From GameFly!

NOTE: This is a three disc game, but it only counts as one disc against your rental plan.
Prepare to be blown away by the first Final Fantasy game to harness the power of HD. Follow a new cast of characters who have been cursed with a horrible fate by the gods. Will they have the courage to stand up and reshape their destiny? Experience seamless transitions between gameplay and cinematics as the franchise's already remarkable visuals gain an unprecedented level of detail. Play has been rebuilt around a new Active Time Battle system and a new game mechanic that makes the action more immersive than ever. Execute multiple commands in a single turn, redefine your party members' roles mid-battle, and deal crushing blows with a powerful new summons system.

Image via Wikipedia

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