Splinter Cell Conviction

Image by Dekuwa via Flickr

This is a guide to getting you through the Splinter Cell: Conviction demo on the Xbox 360. Although the demo is short, it gives us a great idea as to how the gameplay will be. The demo is broken up into 2 sections: the restroom interrogation and infiltrating the warehouse.

I. Restroom Interrogation

The opening scene of the demo requires you to only press B when prompted. Be sure to hit B next to either the bathroom stall door, urinal, or sink. After three beat downs, the scene will end. Notice after each beat down a film will play along the bathroom walls which helps enhance the story progression. On to the next stage, which is the most involved.

II. Infiltrate the Warehouse

After a brief cutscene, you will begin outside of an abandoned warehouse where a mini-tutorial will begin. Follow the on-screen guide until it tells you to Move Cover to Cover. Take out the enemy with the B button. Once you’ve killed him, mark the two targets ahead by moving the crosshairs over their heads and hitting the Right Button. This is your first kill with the Execute command. Hit Y to finish them off auto-style! Pick up the MP5-N if you prefer.

After the Execute kill of the two guards, walk behind the standing enemy and melee kill him with the B button. Then immediately target the two enemies ahead with the RB and hit Y to Execute them.

After you kill them, you are now faced with a choice; there are two entrances to the warehouse. The left side of the warehouse lets you climb a pipe through a window on the upper floors, while the right side takes you into a backdoor on the lower level. I’ve personally found the left side to be a little more challenging, but more fun.

Walk towards the left side of the warehouse and hit A along the pipe to climb up. Shimmy across the ledge of the window and hit B to take out the guard. Climb up the window and hit Up on the directional pad to use your sonar goggles. This is where the fun begins.

Hop on the pipe that extends across the room to and make your away all the way to the other side of the warehouse, but don’t climb down the pipe. Go as far as you can along the pipe to the other side but stay upside down. When the guard walks under you, hit the Left Trigger to take him out. If done correctly, you will not be noticed. Immediately take cover along the guardrail to avoid being seen.

You should have the ability to use Execute at this point. Mark the two guards closest to each other, but don’t Execute them just yet. When the walking guard walks closest to the EMP in the ceiling, manually shoot the EMP to cause it to fall on the guards. If it doesn’t kill both guards, manually kill the alive one. Immediately hit Y to Execute the two guards you marked. Be sure to crouch right after the Execute so that the guard behind the window doesn’t see you. Shoot him in the head and move on!

After you kill the guard behind the glass, walk behind the control room and hop along the pipe. Head across and down to the lower level of the warehouse. Head along the narrow corridor until you get to a huge hole through a wall. A cutscene will play out with a scientist being caught for doing something naughty. Now it’s time to save her!

(Note: There may be a way to go completely unseen in this part, but I guess I need to keep playing to figure it out!)

Continue to Part 2 >>


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