200x75_pcswizz_gaming_logo I am switching my focus of this blog from posting news to posting more reviews. I take reviews very seriously, and since I am a gamer like you I read all of the reviews from the major gaming websites. I know what reviews frustrate you as well as which ones actually work. I was there when IGN gave Grand Theft Auto a 10 and Assassin’s Creed a 7.4, so rest assured I will give you a straight honest reviews without numbers.

I will use a grading system we all grew up with, school-house grades:

  • A+  (9.6 – 9.9)
  • A    (9.3 – 9.5)
  • A-   (9.0 – 9.2)
  • B+   (8.6 – 8.9)
  • B     (8.3 – 8.5)
  • B-    (8.0 – 8.2)
  • C+   (7.6 – 7.9)
  • C     (7.3 - 7.5)
  • C-    (7.0 – 7.2)
  • D     (6.0 – 6.9)
  • F     (5.9 and below)

Now you may notice that I don’t have a 10 grade. If a game comes out that I deem a 10, which would be a very very rare circumstance if it ever happens, I will give it an “S”..for super!

Here is a review I did a while back on Street Fighter 4. I used a numeric system with this review, but in the future I will use the grading system you see above.

I look forward to getting some good reviews out there for you so you won’t waste your money on wack games! :-)

Here are some other reviews I’ve done in the past:

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