Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Image via Wikipedia

Thanks to the guys over at, here is a preview of a few of the maps included in the Stimulus Package for Modern Warfare 2. You decide if it’s worth the announced $15.

One thing to notice from the new Storm map is the size. It is a huge warehouse area, possibly the largest of the maps in Modern Warfare 2 currently. Of course we all know Crash and Overgrown already, looks as though nothing new has been added to the original maps from Call of Duty 4.

The names of all the maps are:

New maps:

  • "Bailout," a multi-level apartment complex
  • "Storm," an open industrial park littered with heavy machinery
  • "Salvage," a snowy junkyard fortified by stacked debris and crushed cars

    Modern Warfare maps:

  • "Crash," a war-torn urban environment
  • "Overgrown," which features a massive dry creek bed

    The maps shown in this videos are Crash(Call of Duty 4), Overgrown(Call of Duty 4), Storm(New).




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