Loved World of Warcraft but couldn't afford the 15 bucks a month? Or maybe you could have afforded the 15 a month, you just didn't want to! Either way, this free MMORPG is highly inspired by WoW. Runes of Magic has a lot of similarities to WoW, with some things done well, and others not so well. Can we ever complain about a FREE game?! NEVER! So check it out, as I play when I get bored from time to time. 

Link to Runes of Magic:

Server I'm on: Macantacht 
In-Game Name: Swizzen

Let me know if you start playing by commenting here!

One Response so far.

  1. Swizza says:

    It's funny you mention that because I haven't logged into this game since this post lol. Just not enough time anymore!

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