So I'll admit it. When I heard there was a way to download the RE5 demo from Japan I didn't jump for joy. I told myself I would wait for the U.S. demo, and here it is in all its glory. Now this impression will be brief for one reason: the controls.

The graphics are amazing. The textures are damn near realistic, and the characters look like actual characters. The lighting is great as well, with the sun playing a major factor in how you fight off hordes of zombies. The sound is also good, with the voice acting and zombie grunts being top-notch.

The stop-and-pop control scheme just doesn't work for me. I found myself too many times just standing around watching slow-ass zombies walk toward me. Maybe if there was a way to walk slower while zoomed in that would suffice, but as it is right now I am just turned off by it. Now I know the Resident Evil 4 fans are going to disagree with me, but it's how I feel so live with it! When I give the demo another run-through maybe I will begin to tolerate it, but it just doesn't feel natural to have to stop and shoot. And please don't tell me that if you were in Africa and a bunch of zombie mutants were slowly walking towards you that you would just stand there and shoot them. It's BS if you say you would! Me? I'm runnin' and gunnin'. Sorry but I am NOT standing, shooting, walking a little bit, stopping, then shooting again!

Don't get me wrong, if feels really great to pop caps in the zombies, but I want to do it with a little more control. At least let me walk slowly backwards while I shoot!

Anyways like I said the game looks and sounds great, but the actual control mechanics just aren't making me fall in love with it. I'm not even infatuated by it. But we will see if it grows on me.

2 Responses so far.

  1. Jon says:

    I agree with you on the control scheme.
    I really dislike the whole direction they're taking the game really. RE3 was the last one I enjoyed.

  2. Swizza says:

    Yeah i miss RE2 it was the scariest in the series in my opinion. RE3 was cool too but nothing scared me more than being trapped in that police station man.

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