umair shuaib.

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Welcome to 2010! I am sure you had every intention of fixing your computer in 2009, but it just slipped your mind. Maybe you just didn’t want a stranger coming into your home to fix it. Better yet, you didn’t want to disconnect your computer and haul it into a computer repair shop! Not to mention with how the economy has been, you probably just didn’t have the budget for a computer repair.

Well this is where I come in! My service allows me to connect directly to your machine through your internet connection. That’s right, a safe and secure connection that lets me fix your computer without having to step foot into your home. On top of the convenience I am offering to you, for the entire month of January, get 50% off a Complete Tune-Up!

You heard correctly! I am ready to start this New Year off right for you! Half-off a Complete Tune-Up of your machine.

Well, PCSwizz, what is a Complete Tune-Up you ask?

With a PCSwizz Complete Tune-Up, I get your computer back to the way you purchased it; brand new. If you are experiencing sluggish-like performance, such as long load times, slow browsing while on the internet, or you just feel like your PC is old and want it to feel new, this is for you!
Hard Drive Optimization: Increases the speed your computer turns on and programs load.
Browser Optimization: Increases the speed web pages load while you browse the internet.
Windows Update: Makes your computer safer and limits crashes and freezes.
Spyware Removal: Detect and remove unwanted software and pop-ups on your computer.
Key Hardware Updates: Update to key components to your computer, such as your video and sound cards.
Security Optimization: Checks how secure your computer is from virus and hacking threats.
General Consultation: Give you an overview of the state of your computer and advice about possible upgrades/fixes.

Normally, this service is $100.00. But for you, only


through January 31!

To take advantage of this offer, simply click here and chat with me live! I look forward to assisting you with your computer issues for the entire year of 2010!

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