Computer Basics

Before we get into the type of computer you are looking for, let’s talk about the core parts of a computer. When shopping for a new PC, you will come across these parts very frequently:

· Processor

· Memory

· Hard Drive

· Operating System

Here is an example:

· Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz


· 160GB HDD

· ATI Radeon HD 4550 Graphics Card

· 24X CD/DVD Burner

· Windows 7 Home Premium

Looking at this example, is this a computer you would want to buy? You see, this information really doesn’t tell you if it’s a good computer for you without some more details. Let’s break down each part.

· Intel Core2 Duo 2.6 GHz

o Intel – The number one creator of processors, or CPU(Central Processing Unit). Think of the CPU as the engine of a car. It is the most important part of your computer because it is responsible for translating everything you do on your computer.

o Core2 Duo – This is one of the many brands from Intel. Core 2 Duo is your mid-range CPU, meaning it’s good for entry level computers to even some powerful computers. Core 2 Duo means the CPU has 2 brains for super-fast processing.

§ Intel Celeron: Basic CPU, Least Expensive

§ Intel Core2 Duo: Mid-range CPU

§ Intel i7: High-end CPU, Most Expensive

o 2.6 GHz – This is how fast information is processed by the CPU. The higher the number, the faster your computer will be.

o Click here to compare the different Intel processors.

o NOTE: I normally buy Intel CPU computers. If you prefer AMD, click here.


o 2GB – 2GB means 2 Gigabytes, or 2000MB of memory. Basically, when shopping for a computer, get no less than 2GB of memory! Especially if you are getting a Windows 7 computer. Get 4GB of memory if you are a gamer or you are the type that runs a lot of programs at once.

· 160GB HDD

o This is the hard drive. 160GB of hard drive space is ideal for the basic user. However, if you are planning on downloading a lot of music and installing a lot of programs, you will want way higher than this amount. My suggestion is getting 250GB or more to be safe.

· ATI Radeon HD 4550 Graphics Card

o The graphics card is responsible for everything you see on your monitor. Movies, games, even how Windows looks is the graphics card’s job. If you can spare the extra $$, get a computer with a separate graphics card like this one for better performance.

· 24x CD/DVD Burner Drive

o A DVD burner comes standard with most computers nowadays. The 24x is simply the speed of the burner.

So now you know, at least on the basic level, what each specification means while you are shopping for a computer.


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