Today, Xbox 360 owners across the globe have front row seats to the exclusive unveiling of Capcom’s “Lost Planet 2.” Announced for the first time via an exclusive seven-minute downloadable video in English and Japanese, gamers will get a sneak peek of what they can expect when the third-person shooter returns to Xbox 360. Also included is a video intro by “Lost Planet 2” producer, Jun Takeuchi and a Q&A with the game’s director Kenji Oguro.

The sequel to the blockbuster “Lost Planet: Extreme Condition,” which debuted on Xbox 360 two years ago, takes place on the planet E.D.N. III 10 years after the conclusion of the original title. During that time a massive climate change has taken place which has melted the snow and created brand-new environments, including a new lush jungle setting which gamers will get their first glimpse of in the new trailer. The gameplay of “Lost Planet 2” has evolved in a new unique experience that allows players to control various groups of Snow Pirates giving them a variety of different perspectives throughout the journey. The developers also felt it was important to listen to the fans and Capcom is proud to announce that a new type of co-op mode will be implemented into the game.

The video is made almost entirely from real in-game footage, giving Xbox 360 owners and “Lost Planet” aficionados around the world plenty to be excited about from the next installment of the hit franchise.