Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned Screenshot

If you love GTA IV like I do, and are a proud Xbox 360 owner like I am, then you either already downloaded The Lost and Damned, or you are waiting for some real reviews before you shell out 20 bucks. Well I downloaded it and played the first 2 missions and even completed a race event. My verdict? Definitely worth the download IF you enjoyed the original Grand Theft Auto IV with Niko.

For those without any patience to read:

If you never liked GTA IV, don't waste your money.

If you liked GTA IV's gameplay, but hated the story, splurge the $20 and get Lost and Damned IF you aren't tired of Liberty City.

I think that is the bummer about this expansion. It's the same Liberty City, just parts that you probably barely hung out in. I think as gamers we are spoiled when it comes to what to expect from video games. Even in World of Warcraft, every expansion so far adds an entire land mass with new areas to explore. Not here. Granted this is only a $20 add-on, but even more indoor areas would have been a nice addition. I know we get new television shows and websites, but how many of us really hung out at the in-game house watching TV for more than 5 minutes?

Not much has changed gameplay-wise with L&D, except for some added weaponry and better bike handles. I must admit, it feels cool riding in a bike pack with your fellow Lost members, but they drive so slow it's pointless. It is damn near impossible to fall off your bike, a big issue in the original GTA IV. In fact, Johnny doesn't even put on a helmet; it isn't needed. Very cool of Rockstar to do.

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned Screenshot

So far the only new weapon I have tried is the sawed-off shotgun, which is f*%ng sick. I mean seriously, you feel invincible with this gun. I found myself just running up to dudes and just blasting them, even though there is some decent range on the firing. This is probably also the reason I've already died twice lol! (Notice I said feel invincible.)

Speaking of dying, you no longer have to start a mission over from the beginning after you kick the bucket...YES!! Once you reply to the text message to start over, you pretty much start right at the halfway point of the mission, which is usually right at the action. This is a big one for me, and I'm sure for everyone else, because it was such a pain in the ass to start over in the original GTA IV.

What really has me excited is the bike races. Why? Two words: Road. Rash. If you ever had the chance to play a Road Rash game and miss the s@#t out of it, it is in L&D. The race starts you off with a bat so you can smack the s*#t out of rival racers. Press X to hit left, and B to hit right. The only issue was the race is so damn easy I only hit a few people since I was so far in first place. There are 12 races to complete, so I'm sure it gets more challenging later on.

As far as the missions are concerned, I haven't seen anything new yet.

  1. Drive to location
  2. Shoot Angels of Death
  3. ???
  4. Profit.
The bottom line my friends(McCain..get..out!), I think this expansion is only for those who really enjoy the original GTA IV. I mean REALLY enjoy it. If you shelved it months ago, chances are this DLC will not cause you to shell out 20 dollars. The story so far is non-existent, and even though I've read reviews stating how stale it is, I will still play through this to give it my own opinion.

Keep it locked to my blog for my full thoughts of the expansion as I play through it.

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Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned Screenshot

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned Screenshot

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