A few weeks ago I posted an article about how home entertainment(DVDs, Netflix, video games, etc.) were more popular during this recession than going out to the movie theater in 2008.(Click here for full article)

Well it seems that trend for 2009 is turning about to be opposite. Last year theater movie tickets sold just under $10 billion dollars. So far this year, sales have already topped $1 billion, according to CNN. Keep in mind that we are only 2 months into the new year, and with this trend sales will be well into the tens of billions by the end of the year.

So last year we stayed home, and it seems like this year we are tired of being indoors! We need an escape in these tough times and it shows. I personally haven't been to the movies this year, but not because of the economy. I'm just waiting on a movie to get me to go, which I feel is Madea Goes to Prison and Watchmen.

Alot of factors come into play with these facts and statistics. Were the movies last year not as good as the ones this year? What about tax returns? That could play a factor as well. I will be keeping an eye on the movie industry as well as the gaming industry for the entire year to see how we are spending during this economic nightmare.

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