I wrote this review years ago on IGN.com. Thought I'd repost it for old times sake!

Instant Classic
This Review's Trust Rating: 0 0

October 18, 2006 - After 15 minutes I knew this game was a classic. Three hours into Okami so far and I have barely scratched the surface! I usually write reviews with Pros and Cons, so here they are:

Pros: Visually stunning. I find myself running around with Ameratsu just to see the scenery and the visual effects of her run. Issun is annoying but hilarious lol.

However, the best part about this game is the godlike powers you have. The brush techniques make you truly feel like you have control of the world. Hate doing quests at night? No problem! Just draw a sun and BAM! Broken bridge you cant cross? No problem! Just draw a new bridge! Amazing. The gameplay by far is the best I have seen in an adventure game with this kind of theme.
Fighting is simple to learn but difficult to master and I like that. Combining brush techniques during a live battle is amazing.

Cons: The voices! Cute at first, but gets annoying after a while. Also the camera during battle sequences can get rather cumbersome.

Final thought: Go get this game. Period.

Reader's Ratings for Okami
Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide Get Ratings Information
9.0 Presentation
Love the oriental feel to the game. Not enough options to configure the game, though.
9.5 Graphics
If you loved Viewtiful Joe's graphics, Okami took it to the next level.
8.0 Sound
Music isn't as varied as I would like. Also the voices get pretty annoying after a while.
9.5 Gameplay
Brush techniques. 'Nuff said. Would've been a perfect 10 if the camera acted right.
10.0 Lasting Appeal
After only 3 hours into the game and I haven't even made a dent. Definitely lots to do and explore for a very long time.
(out of 10 / not an average)

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