Ninja Blade Screenshot
Definitely has action, but is it too similar to Ninja Gaiden?

So I read the previews about Ninja Blade and kept this in my game radar. When I found out there was a demo, I quickly downloaded it. From Software, the makers of the recent Tenchu games, left a sour taste in my mouth after how awful their Tenchu games were. Well I am delighted at what they have here with Ninja Blade. Although not perfect and very, VERY similar to Ninja Gaiden, I see where they are headed with this game...and I like it. The demo is short, but enough to give you a good feel of the gameplay.

Ninja Blade Screenshot
QTE(Quick Time Events) are used well in the game.

The graphics and animations are on point in Ninja Blade. I honestly went into this demo expecting a cheap version of Ninja Gaiden, but I was humbly mistaken. The gameplay is very Ninja Gaiden however, but with a twist. Throughout the demo there are multiple quick time events, which seem to make up the majority of how the game plays out. It sounds boring I know, but From Software actually makes really good use of this system. If you ever played Shenmue, you know how well QTE can work if done right. From dodging falling debris to even running down the side of a skyscraper, Ninja Blade definitely isn't lacking in action, but what about replayability?

The majority of the demo is a boss battle where you fight an overgrown spider. This fight was a hit and a miss for me. You see, some parts are fun, while other parts are boring. For example, the game tasks you to break the legs of the spider to cause him to topple over. This is the boring part. The fun part however, and surprisingly, was the quick time events throughout the fight. I won't give alot away, but From Software definitely has action in mind..a la Devil May Cry.

Ninja Blade Screenshot

My prediction is this will get 7.5 - 7.9 come release. I say this because although it was a fun demo, once you've played through the quick time events there really isn't much excitement left. So although the fun factor is there, the lasting appeal isn't. Plus, many Ninja Gaiden fans will feel a bitter taste in their mouths since Ninja Blade is so similar to it with only the quick time events separating the two. If From Software can prove to gamers that there is more to this game than hitting X at the right moment, this could be a sleeper hit. If not, it will not sit well with gamers who have already beaten titles like Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry 4.

You can download the demo through Xbox Marketplace here.

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