I'm going to get straight to the point with Wheelman's demo...cheap. The game feels cheap, looks cheap, and sounds cheap. Now there is some guilty fun here and there, but the bottom line is Wheelman feels like a watered down and stripped to the bare bones Saints Row 2.

The demo is simple, drive some chick that just robbed a bank to a destination. The world is supposed to be open...I think. The mission keeps you on a pre-determined set of streets via the chick barking orders at you like "Turn left here!" or "Oh no a police barricade..go through it!" The problem with this type of gameplay isn't the fact that its predetermined, its because the city looks like its running on a Playstation 2 engine. I mean seriously...this game looks horrible. The cars are horrible, the pedestrians are horrible, even the star of the game looks horrible. It would have been slightly more fun if I actually wanted to be in the city, but I couldn't wait for the mission to end so I could turn the game off!

There are some cool features like slo-motion-shooting from the car while driving backwards, and the ability to jump out of your car and "air jack" another car, but it all feels cheaply done. If this game came out 4 years ago I think my impressions would be different, but everything in this game feels outdated to me. It is a long demo, but it isn't worth 1.31 gigabytes of your space. I say give it a run and delete it.

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