Since Resident Evil 5 will be released this Friday, I decided to go back into the demo for a second opinion. However, this time I decided to play co-op with a friend. Now although I am still against the control scheme(even though a buddy of mine told me you can play in first-person, haven't seen that option though personally), I must say I have a fresh look on this game now.

Co-op is an entirely different game. Being able to actually talk to your partner adds so much more excitement to RE5. When you play single-player, you sit there quietly, hoping your AI co-op partner does what you want them to do.

I am still against the controls in Resident Evil 5 though. Not just the stop-and-pop mechanics, but movement altogether. Mistakenly hit the right-stick button and you find yourself with your back turned to the zombie dudes. Oh, and try turning a corner while running. Try turning period. Not a fan of such slow movements in from what I am hearing an "action take on a horror series".

Am I getting Resident Evil 5? Yes I am, but mainly because my friends are getting it and co-op was so much fun. I probably will rarely play it solo, it just lacks in that department to me. If you loved Resident Evil 4, getting Resident Evil 5 is an easy choice.

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