By now, we all know who Madea is. The more serious she becomes, the more we laugh. Most of Tyler Perry's movies based off of Madea usually have a side story, with Goes to Jail included. The bottom line is, you will laugh just as much as you have laughed at any other Madea movie, but the side story fell flat and Madea was not in the movie as much as I hoped she would be.

I'm not going to give away any spoilers so you can read safely, although there really isn't much spoilers in this movie. We start off where "Meet the Browns" left off, with Madea on a high speed chase. She eventually is caught, but let off the hook because the cops failed to read her Miranda rights.

The side story is about a lawyer(Derek Luke) who runs into a long lost friend that just so happens to be a prostitute(Keisha Night Pulliam). The majority of Madea Goes to Jail is about the relationship between these two, which takes up the entire movie. I'm sorry, but I paid my 10 bucks to see Madea, not these two. Granted the story is a bit touching, but took up way too much of the movie and left Madea out way too long. What I will say though, Keisha Night Pulliam did a decent job as a prostitute. We've never really seen her like this so it was definitely interesting to see her as a drug addict/hooker. Still doesn't make up for Tyler Perry leaving Madea out of her own movie so much.

Hilarious scene with Madea and Dr. Phil

The times Madea were in the film were ridiculously funny and make up for the lackluster sub-plot. From her running cars off the road to driving Dr. Phil crazy, this is Madea at her finest.

Keisha Night Pulliam(middle) playing prostitute Candance Johnson

Bottom Line: Go see Madea Goes to Jail. Period. There is just way too many laughs to be missed. Even the parts without Madea were decent, although a little cheesy and kept Madea out of scenes way too long. This gets my Co-Sign Stamp of Approval.

Story: B-
Acting: A
Directing: B-
Visuals: B


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