I "Wanted" to like the demo, but if the tutorials are more fun than the actual game...you have a problem. The camera is unfriendly and the A.I. is ridiculously stupid. Not to mention it takes 40 bullets to down someone without curving a bullet. I literally walked up to a guy and shot him at least 10 times in the head and he didn't die...whaaat? But let me curve a couple bullets and they die with two shots.

The graphics are cool, nothing to scream over. The cutscenes were ass though.
I do like the moving through cover-type gameplay, but I am baffled as to why the devs picked this level for the demo. This level is boring! You dont even get a chance to really use the slow-motion effect much due to the level design.

I do like the moving through cover-type gameplay, but I am baffled as to why the devs picked this level for the demo. This level is boring! You dont even get a chance to really use the slow-motion effect much due to the level design. Oh, and the controls outside of being in cover are wonky! I hope come release there is a way to speed up aiming and moving while out of cover because right now its literally broken.

With that all being said I am estimating a 6.9 - 7.3 rating come release. I might GameFly it to get Achievements but based on this demo I am not convinced at all to purchasing it. Guess we have to wait a little while longer for that movie-based game that actually wows us. It still feels good shooting people after a long day at work =)

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