As always, 24 did not fail to surprise us all last night, and in case you missed it here is a recap of key points in the show. Last week, Juma breached the White House via an underwater passageway and held many people hostage. President Taylor and Jack Bauer were safe, but trapped in the safe room of the White House. At the end of 7:00PM to 8:00PM, Juma grabbed Olivia, President Taylor's daughter, and threatened to do foul things to her unless Taylor and Jack came out the room. They did...

After they got out of the room, Juma forced Taylor to read from a pre-written script to the entire internet about how wrong the US was for raiding Sangala. Taylor asked Juma to release a hostage since she was cooperating. He shooting one of them in the head. Meanwhile, Jack and Bill Buchanan begin to come up with a plan to rescue the President. Jack recalled C4 being in the safe room, and came up with a scheme to rush a guard, get their gun, and blow up the C4, causing a distraction. Bill disagreed, claiming it to be a suicide mission. Jack concured, but stated that its the only choice they have. Bill mentions to Jack that he saw Juma talking to someone on his satellite phone, and makes Jack promise to find whoever that person is. The person is Jonas Hodges. The minute Jack agrees, Bill jumps up and rushes a guard, takes their gun and shoots the C4 in the safe room causing him and everyone else in the vicinity to die. This creates mass chaos, but Jack is there to finish what Bill started. He ends up killing Juma, but also laments over the loss of his friend Bill.

Agent Moss has Jack arrested soon after his heroic deed, but Agent Walker wants Moss to reconsider since Jack knew that the threat still isn't over. Jack suggests he question Ryan Burnett one more time since his mere presence will get him to talk. Moss doesn't give in, which forces Walker to go directly to Ethan Canaan, Chief Advisor of President Taylor. Ethan forces Moss to release Jack to question Burnett. Moss complies, but not before suspending Walker indefinitely for "disobeying a direct command."

Meanwhile, Jonas Hodges begins to plot his terror acts but finds out that Jack is on his way to interrogate Burnett. Hodges' partner says it's being taken care of, as one of his men were on their way to the hospital to kill Burnett.

When Jack and Moss get to the hospital, Moss reminds Jack not to touch Burnett, and if he does they will arrest him immediately. Jack enters the room where Burnett is, looks around and spots the camera that Moss is watching him on. While Jack begins to scare Burnett, the assassin already is above the room in the ceiling. The assassin jams the camera feed, drops a neuro-agent that renders Jack and Burnett motionless, kills Burnett with a shard of glass by slicing his neck and puts a shard of glass in Jack's hand to make it seem that Jack did the deed. The camera feed comes back online and Moss seees Burnett dead. Moss jumps to action to arrest Jack. Jack wakes up to find Burnett dead and FBI agents trying to bash the door in to get him. He escapes through the ceiling, knocks a guard unconscious, takes his cell phone and calls Moss. Jack explains to Moss he was framed, Moss suggests jack turn himself in, Jack disagrees and runs off into the night.

What I Left Out:

  • President Taylor and her daughter Olivia make mends. The President wants to hire her daughter as a "special advisor".
  • Olivia vows to Ethan that she will find out how the corruption happened in the first place, even if it kills her.
  • Jonas Hodges is plotting on launcing an attack on key cities with population densities of 10,000 to 15,000 people. Still unknown as to his motives.

Make sure to follow my blog and follow me on twitter for more 24 updates!

One Response so far.

  1. LeeR. says:

    sup man, 24 is my SHOW, this was another good episode, I knew somebody was gonna die this week and Bill went out like a fave part so far this season was when Juma pimp-slapped the Pres last week, that was gangsta! LOL

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